Misfits Entertainment House
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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap9%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 9% [ 5 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap16%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 16% [ 9 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap2%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap23%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 23% [ 13 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap4%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 4% [ 2 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap11%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 11% [ 6 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap30%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 30% [ 17 ]
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_lcap7%Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. I_vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]

Total Votes : 57

Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by mindfreak172 Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:49 pm

This Morning I woke up very early.I ate breakfast and went back to my room.Then I was thinking alone in my room and I came up with an idea.Note that this idea is not a new idea but it would be very fun to participate and will be a very interesting project. I call it "TAG" the more people participate ,the more merrier it will be.

what if we all make a video,compile them from all members doing any tricks , let say first of all I magically produce an ace in that video then I pass it to the side.
In the other video,let say the next person is Fiez,he grab the ace from the side, do some cool florishes and again hot shot the ace out and pass it to the next person.
And the next person will do whatever he wants witht that specific card ,using his creativity and unique move.
(kalau si ajek tau ku tu apakn di buatnya,his signiture move hehehe whatever~)

I find this project very interesting and I think by this lots of people will know each other better and maybe if we can do this annually ,we can see the changes and some new ideas.

so what do you all say? stand up,speak up!!

Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. 838154

and maybe this also include to the non magicians misfits members who wants to participate just to make this forum more ALIVE, they just can do whatever they want with that card,feel the card,lick the card,kiss the ace or Maybe just use it as a guitar pick, head banging metal guitar solo with that card or whatever and pass it to the next person.
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by R12 Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:09 pm

Sounds cool, i will participate i will do flourishes only.Cool
Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. 838154
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 112
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Points : 68
Registration date : 2008-10-25

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by Admin Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:18 pm

awesome idea mindfreak .. let other knw jua esp member ..
since bnyk yg nda active ah ..

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
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Registration date : 2008-09-09


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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by R12 Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:22 pm

This is gonna be awesome btw admin u joining? hahah
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 112
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Registration date : 2008-10-25

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by Admin Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:41 pm

yup .. hehe

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by mindfreak172 Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:51 pm

great to hear that.
this is few some of the regulations to participate:
- Each video must be less than 1 minute maximum so that it the video wil not be an hour long if compiled.
- the card will be from right to left (as a performer-left to right)
-no obvious exposure.
-any camera.webcam,handphone camera,etc is permitted except fake camera. ehehe
it will be more interesting if we keep changing the identity of the cards in each video and pass it around. So any of you guys wanna participate, conform and send your videos arah........... siapa?? hmmm just keep the video first until when needed. much easier tht way.

Last edited by mindfreak172 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
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Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by Admin Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:12 pm

i think one quick trick ,or one cut pun ok .. which is below 30 second less lagi better ..if bnyk urg join if up to 1 minutes .. 10 org .. 10 minute dh tu mindfreak haha

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by Admin Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:13 pm

editing kita serahkn kepada alan hagen tane ... awang ajek hehe

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by R12 Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:16 pm

i will do the lee asher thunder**** hahahaha
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 112
Age : 28
Location : somewhere that you don't know but i know
Points : 68
Registration date : 2008-10-25

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by mindfreak172 Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:59 pm

iatah,like i said 1 minute maximum, the shorter the better . or maybe 30 seconds maximm lah ,cmana?
first we collect ppl who wants to participate.This first project cmani ja.
ada org pick a random card and pass it around and around.
but if someone do a snap change and pass it to the next person,the other person must receive the same card ,so the videos can be link together.

so card apa yg first??
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:46 pm

i'll be joining in..tp apa kn ku buat aa???


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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by R12 Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:58 pm

spa yg first start?klau aku buat mordern ace production pulang tuu soo i will need the aces hahaah
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 112
Age : 28
Location : somewhere that you don't know but i know
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Registration date : 2008-10-25

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by mindfreak172 Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:18 am

iatah buat masa ani pikir2 dulu..relex,mun gopoh2 nda bisai.
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion. Empty Re: Misfits TAG (magic,manipulations + florishes) video compilation discussion.

Post by mindfreak172 Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:23 am