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you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap9%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 9% [ 5 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap16%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 16% [ 9 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap2%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap23%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 23% [ 13 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap4%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 4% [ 2 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap11%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 11% [ 6 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap30%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 30% [ 17 ]
you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_lcap7%you know you are a magician if .. I_vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]

Total Votes : 57

you know you are a magician if ..

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you know you are a magician if .. Empty you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Admin Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:46 am

aku jumpa thread ane one underground magic forum ..which is buat aku laugh out loud

You Know You Are A Magician If .....

- when your family wants to play cards and you spend half an hour going thru all your decks of cards looking for a full deck
- when your family asks you to eat with your fingers on Christmas dinner, in order to keep the silverware in their original shape
- if a gimmick isn't something an infomercial does to try to get you to buy something
- if the first thing you do when trying on a new suit or sports coat is to see if the outside coat pockets are sewn shut and then secondly to try to figure out if they really are pockets at all without ripping them open.
- If you've spent more then $10 for a penny.
- If you've ever said, "Honey, have you seen my invisible (thread, deck, etc... ) ?
- If you've ever had a black eye because you did the bra trick to the wrong mans woman
- when you are showing your four year old brother a color change, make a mistake, and then he says "Thats not how it's done!"
- you take long looks at a girl trying to figure out what size box she will fit in.
- when you think to yourself "man, this song would go great with this illusion"
- when you've watched the Copperfield Illusions DVD over a million times using slow motion and zooming in to a "find a clue"
- you take out a deck of cards and all your friends run out of the room, screaming.
- You do false shuffles when you really need to shuffle just because they "look cool"
- You think nothing of pulling a deck of cards out of your pocket
- You will watch a 30 minute-1 hour TV show to see 10 seconds of magic
- You know you're a magician when you hear someone mention terms like "steal", "pass", "force", "manipulation", "ambitious", "palm", etc. and your mind suddenly conjures up totally different images
- National alterations in bill and coin designs drastically affect your career
- You actually think people believe you when you say that snapping your fingers is what's causing the magic to happen
- Your list of favorite books include names like Bannon and Harris instead of Hemingway and Steinbeck
- You have more paperclips, rubber bands, and manila envelopes in your closet than any office supply store
- When you search 20 old decks for an extra 4 of hearts and none of them have one
- you look forward to traffic jams as it gives you time to practice
- you make money tricking people, and they know your doing it
- you can 'steal' without breaking the law
- when the Matrix is mentioned you're not thinking of the Keanu Reeves' movie
- when you reach in your pockets for your car keys and three sponge balls fall onto the parking lot and you look like an idiot as the wind blows and you are chasing them all over the place
- You spend more time in front of a mirror than your wife does
- You spend $40 to learn how to make $1 disappear
- You produce the waitresses' tip form behind her ear
- You watch intently whenever there's someone playing cards in a film, just to see if they're using a Bicycle deck
- you are the only one of your male friends that have a "silk collection"
- you just bought more toys at the dollar store than your kids, because of a trick you plan on making
- you always walk around with three different decks of cards in your pockets because each one is set up for a different trick
- you pull the four aces out of the deck ... only to lose them back into the deck ... just so you can find them again
- you refer to everyday objects as "ordinary"
- you refer to handkerchief as "silks"
- you introduce your wife as "My assistant"
- you have half dollars in your house that you acquired on purpose
- seated at a restaurant you survey the table for "props"
- you have never been to the insane asylum, yet you own a straight jacket
- no one will play cards with you, ever
- you paid $25.00 for a quarter
- you are playing cards with the guys and when someone asks you to shuffle the deck you get a blank look on your face and ask "You mean a real shuffle ? "
- then you have to think really hard to remember how to do a real shuffle
- you find yourself inexplicably compelled to inform that professional magician whose show you just saw that you are a magician too
- you back palm your movie ticket and produce it out of thin air
- you are the only one that can have fun with a Blank Deck
- you refer to handkerchief as "silks"
- every coin you receive gets "accidentally" palmed
- You ask strangers if they have lost a red penknife
- You ask people eating a meal "would you like to see a miracle ?"
- Can I ask for the help of a person in the front row ?
- Pick a card, any card !
- Oh,dear, I seem to have burnt your money
- You are the only one driving to work while practicing palming quarters
- You don't just spread the 4 cards you "found "in a deck, instead
you count them
- You can have a heated debate whether Dai is pronounced "Dai" or "Die"
- You have more than a dozen opened card decks and cartons
of unopened "back up "decks.
- You have ten retorts for the question: "How did you do that ?"
-You think it is normal that the oldest deck of cards in your possession is only a week old and you are almost ready to toss it out
- You have coins and cards within easy reach when you are on the john
- You are the only person bothered by how someone else shuffles a deck of cards
- You will buy 2 copies of the same newspaper and not read either one
- If you always keep an extra egg in your pocket
- If you pay extra for dry cleaning because of the pockets you have
- If you are stranded on an island and all you can producing are rabbits to eat
- If the airport screener at the airport need 2 hours to check you out
- If the photo in your press kit does not look like you
- If you look back on your life and 80% of your time was used to fold
silks for a silk fountain
- You keep loosing assistants by cutting them in half
- Sitting in Harry Potter movie just to copy down the routines
- You have 45 decks of cards at home and you can't play a game with any of them
- Kids stop you on the street and say, "show me a trick !"
- You think the general public knows who David Blaine and David Copperfield are
- You have business cards printed with the word "great" on them.
- Ask the spectator for the "clean" hand.
- Your thumb looks discolored, or extra long.
- You call colored pieces of cloth, "silks."
- You spend a lot of your free time in hardware or discount stores
- You have imaginary lint in your pockets, and refer to it as "woofle dust"
- Your wife constantly asks you when you're going to put all that junk away
- You have drawers full of stuff that you don't even remember you still had
- You can't stand to have someone say, "I know how you did that"
- You feel you could do a better job than the guy who is performing on TV
- You go by a name that ends in "ini"
- When you're fooled by a trick you say, "Oh.. that old thing"
- You just bought a new trick and when putting it away in "that" drawer, you discover the same trick already there
- It matters to you how someone shuffles your deck
- You have a business card printed with the word "magician" under your name
- You actually want to go to a lecture
- A "shell" is not something found on a beach

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Admin Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:47 am

your a magician if you go somewhere with "palm" in it's name, you giggle...
your a magician if you buy stockings just for invisible thread
your a magician if the first thing you say when you wake up is "did i flash?"
your a magician if you do color changes to Internet windows when they load
your a magician if when you see "overload in disc C" you think the computer ran out of ball droppers
your a magician if you transfer food into classic palm so you can eat in class
your a magician if when you see a French man you feel like making him drop, and put him in your pocket (?!)
your a magician if when you see a French magician drop something you say "tesk tesk tesk... he didn't use misdirection "
your a magician if when you play cards all that is going through your head is palm...steal...ditch...double lift...second deal..." but nothing happens, and then you do a fan and everyone suddenly tell you "stop cheating you bloody magician!"

and finally: your a magician if you can understand these jokes

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Admin Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:55 am

kalau ada sapa ada idea ..bleh tmbah Very Happy

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by mindfreak172 Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:16 pm

Admin wrote:
- when your family wants to play cards and you spend half an hour going thru all your decks of cards looking for a full deck

- if a gimmick isn't something an infomercial does to try to get you to buy something

- if the first thing you do when trying on a new suit or sports coat is to see if the outside coat pockets are sewn shut and then secondly to try to figure out if they really are pockets at all without ripping them open.

- when you are showing your four year old brother a color change, make a mistake, and then he says "Thats not how it's done!"

- when you think to yourself "man, this song would go great with this illusion"

- when you've watched the Copperfield Illusions DVD over a million times using slow motion and zooming in to a "find a clue"

- you take out a deck of cards and all your friends run out of the room, screaming.

- You do false shuffles when you really need to shuffle just because they "look cool"

- You think nothing of pulling a deck of cards out of your pocket

- You will watch a 30 minute-1 hour TV show to see 10 seconds of magic

- You know you're a magician when you hear someone mention terms like "steal", "pass", "force", "manipulation", "ambitious", "palm", etc. and your mind suddenly conjures up totally different images

- National alterations in bill and coin designs drastically affect your career

- You actually think people believe you when you say that snapping your fingers is what's causing the magic to happen

- You have more paperclips, rubber bands, and manila envelopes in your closet than any office supply store

- When you search 20 old decks for an extra 4 of hearts and none of them have one

- you can 'steal' without breaking the law

- when the Matrix is mentioned you're not thinking of the Keanu Reeves' movie

- when you reach in your pockets for your car keys and three sponge balls fall onto the parking lot and you look like an idiot as the wind blows and you are chasing them all over the place

- You spend more time in front of a mirror than your wife does

- You produce the waitresses' tip form behind her ear

- You watch intently whenever there's someone playing cards in a film, just to see if they're using a Bicycle deck

- you always walk around with three different decks of cards in your pockets because each one is set up for a different trick

- you refer to everyday objects as "ordinary"

- you have half dollars in your house that you acquired on purpose

- seated at a restaurant you survey the table for "props"

- no one will play cards with you, ever

- you paid $25.00 for a quarter

- you find yourself inexplicably compelled to inform that professional magician whose show you just saw that you are a magician too

- you back palm your movie ticket and produce it out of thin air

- You have ten retorts for the question: "How did you do that ?"

- You are the only person bothered by how someone else shuffles a deck of cards

- Sitting in Harry Potter movie just to copy down the routines

- You have 45 decks of cards at home and you can't play a game with any of them

- Kids stop you on the street and say, "show me a trick !"

- Your thumb looks discolored, or extra long.

- You spend a lot of your free time in hardware or discount stores

- You can't stand to have someone say, "I know how you did that"

- It matters to you how someone shuffles your deck

- You actually want to go to a lecture

- A "shell" is not something found on a beach
these coincide with me haha
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Guest Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:34 am

hahahahaha lol!


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by fiez Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:56 am

Hahaha,most of em are very true lol.
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 289
Age : 34
Location : in your kitchen eating your cookies
Points : 26
Registration date : 2008-09-11


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Admin Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:34 am

hahaa ..atu nda fiez... lau aku sal bks bli brg ada change cent ..automaticly classic palm lol!

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by mindfreak172 Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:27 pm

Klau aku aku automatic classic palm, coin roll or muscle pass $0.50 lapas beli barang etc,mcm automatic wah hahaha
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Mann Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:13 am

I like to roll the coin kalau ada change. Haha. Kalau di kadai arah kawasan cincin, eksen meliat2, lapas atu ku ring flight ia. Ganya mcm pencuri usulnya. Hahaha.
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 143
Age : 36
Location : G-town as it once used to be called.
Points : 40
Registration date : 2008-12-05


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by fiez Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:49 pm

Kalau aku automatic ikat tali kasut*nda mau kalah*lol
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 289
Age : 34
Location : in your kitchen eating your cookies
Points : 26
Registration date : 2008-09-11


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by mindfreak172 Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:07 pm

kalau miani jadi pemalas tah magician nie, semua tah kan magic macam Harry Potter...hahaha
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

Number of posts : 611
Age : 34
Location : Kingdom of Unexpected Treasure
Points : 107
Registration date : 2008-09-12

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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

Post by Admin Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:42 am

i remember watching cyril ambititous rh bar ... .. kn sejam berfkir rewind blik cana
ia msuk kn ambitious card atu dlm un opened deck ..

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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you know you are a magician if .. Empty Re: you know you are a magician if ..

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