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Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap9%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 9% [ 5 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap16%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 16% [ 9 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap2%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap23%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 23% [ 13 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap4%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 4% [ 2 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap11%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 11% [ 6 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap30%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 30% [ 17 ]
Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_lcap7%Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes I_vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]

Total Votes : 57

Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes

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Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes Empty Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes

Post by Admin Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:18 am


Small Miracles
by Helder Guimaraes

Helder Guimaraes, FISM 2006 World Champion of Card Magic, shares for the first time ever some of his pet effects.

In Small Miracles, you'll find:

Blank Deck Routine -- One of Helder's pet routines, where a spectator ends by free selecting (yes, free selecting!!!) the only printed card from a blank deck!

Invisible Thread Routine -- Transform one card into four aces, make 4 kings appear and then perform a two phase transposition routine between them. Includes a very clean version of Paul Harris' Reset.

S(h)ocking -- Two cards transposition that top card guys will want to perform.

Out of this Water -- Learn how you can perform Out of his World, ending with a deck separation out off your hands!

Visual Triathlon -- A version of Pit Hartling's effect, that's so visual and so impossible people will have lots of jaw dropping.

Plus more baffling tricks, new techniques and methods, 2 extras (if you find them...) and lots of comedy!

And remember: "Don't believe in everything you see in this DVD, it can be an illusion..."

Running Time Approximately 2hr 12min
Category: Entertainment


Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes Empty Re: Small Miracles by Helder Guimaraes

Post by R12 Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:29 pm

looks cool i have been searching out for helder guimares heheh since his oil and water routine is nice btw does this dvd include his oil and water routine?
Wizard From Hell
Wizard From Hell

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