Misfits Entertainment House
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Post by Admin Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:52 am

been busy since .. so i post the latest deck yg kan dtg besok ... 15 august .. before terlupa , kekeke

not much or latest arrival deck

but here some

1.Wynn deck $13
2.Karnival Midnight $20
3.Brown Faded Bicycle $20
4.Arcoss $10
5 Bicycle World Poker Tour 2009 $15
check it out guy ..

arcoss usually $7 but seem the currency n shipment rates rise up .. so i had to put $10
hope its stil affordable price for u all ...
thanks guy ... for being our great costumer n member all the time

Number of posts : 701
Location : on the road .riding harley
Points : 242
Registration date : 2008-09-09


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