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Rick merril I_vote_lcap9%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 9% [ 5 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap16%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 16% [ 9 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap2%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap23%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 23% [ 13 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap4%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 4% [ 2 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap11%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 11% [ 6 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap30%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 30% [ 17 ]
Rick merril I_vote_lcap7%Rick merril I_vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]

Total Votes : 57

Rick merril

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Rick merril Empty Rick merril

Post by R12 Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:04 pm

Rick merril is one of the greatest pen manipulator.I have ever seen but where could i learn his material or the stuff that he is manipulating with his pen.I could not found anything.So to anyone who knows do reply.So to those who don't really know him or forgot,his video is posted under this.

Pen manipulation